The Burbot

Through conversations with Reagan Pearce, Researcher at Kings College London, we encountered a lesser-known fish called the Burbot. The Burbot became extinct in the UK in the late 1960’s and research is taking place to explore options for re-introduction.
You can here more about the Burbot in this concersation with Reagan:
Reagan Pearce, PHD researcher at King’s College London Introduces the Burbot fish.
Download Information sheet about the Burbot (authored by Reagan Pearce).
The following video is a recording of a rubbing out process on a drawing of the burbot fish with an audinec member at PQ festival, Prague. The participant rubs out the burbot’s distinguishing chin burbel and describes why...
Documentation of a rubbing out dialogue at PQ festival, Prague, 2023.
“She doesn’t have beautiful features any more and now she looks more like the other fish. Maybe fishermen won’t notice them as much because of this”

the rubbing out project. Copyright Andrea Carr & Gemma Riggs 2023